taking inventory of how much progress you´ve made at the end of every year is essential to see your growth and to carry on that momentum into the new year. This episode includes how and what chris reflected on as her biggest lessons of 2022.
Our host Chris Oh takes inventory of what the past year has meant from the perspective of self growth and development.
Reflecting back on her biggest lessons of 2022, Chris shares why her 2022 was a year of "rebirth."
Rebirth of how she thinks of her insecurities.
Rebirth of the way she thinks of and (truly) heals from her childhood wounds and fears.
Rebirth of the way she learns how to manage her own triggers.
Rebirth of how she manages expectations in relationships.
Rebirth of the way she manages her priorities with her time, energy, money and people.
This practice of introspection is invaluable in putting things into perspective, connecting the dots and paving the way for the new year with more clarity and insight.
Lessons for my younger self
If you've struggled from old patterns, anxiety and unresolved childhood wounds, listen to this revealing episode about the tools our host Chris acquired to see if they can be useful to you, too.