Ep. 107/How-To Communicate Your Standards
how you deliver your message is sometimes more impactful—both negatively and positively—than what you actually say through verbal communication.
Did you know that 90% of our communication is non-verbal? It's not just about what you say, but how you say it that can completely change how the receiver perceives and interprets your message. This episode underscores the importance of communicating your standards primarily through mastering key non-verbal communication nuances. Discover how your actions, presence, and even your energy can convey your standards without uttering a single word.
Host Chris Oh explores how you show up in various aspects of your life and the subtle yet impactful ways non-verbal communication can set the benchmark for expressing your personal standards. Learn how to master non-verbal communication to convey your standards more effectively than ever before. Stick around, especially for tip number five—it might just change the way you think about how you are communicating your message.